Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Goat Problems

Sorry I didn't blog over the weekend, I was so busy with father's day.

There is a goat at the barn I keep my horse at now. She was only staying for a few days. She was on a chain outside the barn where she can get in the barn. My horse was so freaked out by it. He was running around his stall and kicking the walls.

Yesterday the goat got moved away from the barn. When I tried to bring my horse in the barn he was still scared to death to even go in his stall. I worked with him by circling him and slowly getting him closer and closer. Then I got him to put his front feet in the stall, then I backed him out. I finally got him to go in there without him even being scared.

After I got him in the stall he wouldn't come to the front of the stall because that's where the goat was. I worked with him by getting treats and leading him closer and closer and finally got him to stick his head over the stall door into the barn aisle.

Then my aunt got the goat and brought it back in the barn. I slowly did the same thing as before and got treats and slowly brought him closer and closer to the goat.

Lastly, I took my horse out of his stall and the goat came out to the front of the barn too. I slowly made circles closer and closer to the goat. He finally got close enough to sniff the goat and follow it. I was so happy.

I hope everyone had a great father's day. Thank you for reading this weeks blog!

Until next week,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Horse Racing

I am sorry I didn't blog over the weekend, I was really busy.

So what is everyone up to? This Sunday, I got to go to the horse race track. It was the first time going there in 10 months. Opening day was Saturday but I couldn't go.

It turns out that jockey Sheldon Russell stills remembers me by name. That makes me so happy. He is a really good jockey.

Who has read the sixth book? I haven't yet but I will as soon as I can.

Sorry it's short but I have exams to study for.

Till next week,

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Trail Riding Fun!

No knew news this week, sorry. But I am going to tell you about something.

I went for a benefit trail ride for the Mounted Police. The place I rode at was breath taking. There were a bunch of ponds you could let your horse drink in. There was a covered bridge to cross. The trail were wide enough for 2 horses to go side by side. There weren't any holes or stumps on the trails so you could pretty much gallop, except that it was very hilly.

There was a beautiful creek to cross that was wide enough to let your horse stand in the middle and drink. There were a bunch of fields with a trail around the outside to gallop. My horse wished he could have, he was pulling on me the whole time. But he was a very good boy other than that.

I wonder what the trail are like at Timber Ridge? I always love going trail riding at new places and enjoying the scenery. I bet Kate and Holly would love trail riding at different places too.

Well, that's all for this week, until next week,